Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I met Doug Walker :D

Sorry for the lack of updates (not that it's unexpected). I went to a little convention in Cookeville a couple of weeks ago and met Doug Walker (AKA That Guy With the Glasses, Chester A. Bum, Nostalgia Critic) and his brother Rob! They were incredibly fun to talk to and we talked for several hours. I got a dvd and had him sign my copy of The Room. It was a great day. :)

Of course, peering around the corner is MTAC. It shall be a grand and glorious weekend (knock on wood). I get to meet Vic Migongna, Yuri Lowenthal, and Lord Zedd.

I'll write more about MTAC if I feel like it later. XD

Til next time, ciao!~

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


We all make mistakes in our lives. It's kind of unavoidable for the most part. I made a mistake today, though. While the issue has been resolved, I feel absolutely terrible about it. I need to learn to be more trusting and to focus my frustration into creative outlets instead of onto the people I care about. Icaro, I know you've forgiven me, but I'm still very sorry. It won't happen again. I can promise you that. Sometimes, I guess, crazy things beyond our control can happen and they might be so crazy that it's hard to believe they could be true, but they still are. Deep down, I thought this was the case, but I guess I let my logic get the better of me. I'm better than that. I'm not a robot and I do have feelings and instincts - ones that I should have trusted over my skepticism.

Thank you so much for forgiving me for my stupidity.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spring Break

Oh yes. It's coming. After writing all these damn papers and getting this presentation ready, I'm finally going to have some time to relax. It's good timing too, because Pokemon Black and White are coming out during it and guess who has a pre-order? :)

Minecraft continues to take over my free time, with a little bit of New Vegas here and there. I've gotta get in some play time on those too before the monster that is Pokemon wraps me in its warm and loving tentacles and doesn't let me go.

That's all for now. Ciao~

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cold weather can burn to cinder

This winter stuff is killing me. -.- Normally on a Tueday or a Thursday, I'd be out getting lunch right now, but it's too cold and windy for me to even want to go outside. >_< I don't like having to wear a jacket.

I'm also feeling a little sad lately. :\ It's a combination of the weather and other factors I won't go into. Suffice to say, it sucks when you put a lot of effort into something and it doesn't look like that effort is being appreciated. I'll get over it, but it's starting to wear upon me a bit.

My courseload isn't as heavy as it has been. To replace this, my math class is getting way harder. <_> I hate math already, but now I think it is my number one enemy this semester. I can't wait until March gets here so I can get Pokemon White. I need something to take the edge off.

I suppose that's all for now. As always, ciao.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My friend visited me today!

He lives near Nashville, so I hardly ever get to see him. We discussed his impending wedding and played a lot of fighting games. x_x I'm gonna be a groomsman at his wedding, and apparently all of his groomsmen are supposed to wear Converse shoes. I've never been to a real wedding before. Apparently, one of the groomsmen will be my first ex. That...should make things interesting, to say the least :\ I'll try and stay civil if at all possible. I'm also gonna go to MTAC in April, which should be really fun. :) Eric Stuart is going to be there. I can't wait to meet the voice of James from Pokemon. :p

Until next time! Ciao!~ :3

Friday, February 18, 2011

Look! A new post! Amazing!~

Greetings party people, to the place to be (not really!) I'm back after a long hiatus. :3 I'll try to post more often, I swear this time haha.

In recent news, I'm in my second semester of WSCC and it's picked up considerably in difficulty, though it's probably nothing I can't handle. I've also gotten myself addicted to Minecraft...which is probably not good. x_x

I'll post more later. :3 Ciao!

Friday, August 27, 2010